Checklist: Test Script
This checklist provides questions to verify that tests are created in a consistent and complete manner.
Related Elements
Check Items
Does the test script have a unique name that identifies the condition that the script evaluates?

Does the name clearly indicate the condition evaluated or the expected result? For example, "ABC99" might be unique, but it is not clear what condition it evaluates. In contrast, "UI99 Unauthenticated users are prompted for login" or "BR27 Alphanumeric characters are not permitted in US zip codes" indicate both the test conditions and the expected results.

Does the test script conform to the related test case?

Does the test script identify the test case or cases that it implements? Ensure that the test script conforms to the specification established in the test case. The test case captures the logical conditions of satisfaction for test, and the test script must implement this intent.

Is the test script prescriptive and unambiguous?
  • Does the test script have clear pass or fail criteria? (Is it binary?)
  • Does the script use a request-response style in its steps? (Is it procedural?)
  • Does each specific input have a specific expected result? (Is it declarative?)
Is all required data specified?

Ensure that the test script contains or references all of the test data required to actually run the script.

Is each post-condition of the related test case evaluated by a step in the test script?
Does the test script set up and tear down appropriately?
  • Does the test script identify the preconditions that must be true before the test script starts?
  • Does the test script restore the system's state after it runs, regardless of whether it passes or fails?
  • Can the test script be executed without affecting the results of other test scripts? In other words, can the test script be run in any sequence? If not, is the sequence dependency identified? The dependency might be identified in the test script, in a test suite, or in some other manner (such as by using a test tool).