This template describes how the design can be organized to be understood from
multiple perspectives. It also provides suggestions for how patterns and descriptions
of small, reusable interactions can be used to minimize redundancy.
It is important not to think of design as "a document." Design information
that is worth keeping for some duration must have a long-lived form. But that
form might be as a repository in a visual modeling tool, or as subdirectories
of whiteboard diagrams captured with a digital camera, or as an actual document
that provides structure for images taken from a myriad of sources.
This template describes the information that should be conveyed. Typically,
it works best to convey the information graphically (either with UML or another
unambiguous notation), or at least in words, at an abstract level. You can enhance
this with code examples, but best not to render the design solely at the code
The structure of the design is suggested in this template.
Design structure
[Describe the design from the highest level. This
is commonly done with a diagram that shows a layered architecture.]
[Describe the design of a portion of the system (a
package or component, for instance). The design should capture both static and
dynamic perspectives.
When capturing dynamic descriptions of behavior, look
for reusable chunks of behavior that you can reference to simplify the design
of the use-case realizations.
You can break this section down into lower-level subsections
to describe lower-level, encapsulated subsystems.]
[Provide an overview of the pattern in words in some
consistent form. The overview of a pattern can include the intent, motivation,
and applicability.]
[Describe the pattern from a static perspective. Include
all of the participants and how they relate to one another, and call out the relevant
data and behavior.]
[Describe the pattern from a dynamic perspective. Walk
the reader through how the participants collaborate to support various scenarios.]
[Often, you can convey the nature of the pattern better
with an additional concrete example.]
Use-case realizations
View of participants
[Describe the participating design elements from a
static perspective, giving details such as behavior, relationships, and attributes
relevant to this use-case realization.]
Basic scenario
[For the main flow, describe how instances of the design
elements collaborate to realize the use case. When using UML, this can be done
with collaboration diagrams (sequence or communication).]
Additional scenarios
[For other scenarios that must be described to convey
an appropriate amount of information about how the use-case behavior will be
realized, describe how instances of the design elements collaborate to realize
the use case. When using UML, you can do this with collaboration diagrams (sequence
or communication).] |