Role: Advisor User
The Advisor User brings day-to-day knowledge of the job being automated. The holder of this role will probably be one of the people who will use the computer system when it is complete.
Role Sets: DSDM Roles
Main Description
  • Providing information on request
  • Participation in the prototyping and review processes offering advice and guidance on issues of practical import
  • Approval of designs and prototypes as acceptable for use
  • Assisting with business and usability testing.
  • Practical knowledge of the business area
  • Ability to communicate knowledge and ideas.
Key Considerations

The Advisor User role may be held by a panel of people who attend workshops and workshop-style presentations of prototypes. In this way the breadth of user experiences can be captured in a dynamic environment.

Outside pre-arranged events, the Ambassador User role provides the two-way channel for information about the project to the Advisor Users.

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