This artifact gives context and guidance for developers to construct the system. It's a critical artifact used to help
capture and make architectural decisions, and explain those decisions to developers. It can contain any information and
references that are appropriate in communicating how developers should build the system. It generally doesn't contain
design information, although it will likely reference architecturally significant design elements.
At a minimum, this artifact should:
List guidance, decisions, and constraints the developers must follow in building the system
Justify those guidelines, decisions and constraints
Describe the Architectural Mechanisms and where they should be applied.
Team members who were not involved in those archtiectural decisions need to understand the reasoning behind
the context of the architecture so they can best address the needs of the system.
Other recommended content is:
References to architecturally significant requirements
References to architecturally significant design elements
Packaging instructions for subsystems and components
Layers and critical subsystems
Critical system interfaces
Key abstractions
Important analysis classes
Key scenarios that describe critical behavior of the system
Architects should use this artifact to collaborate with other team members in developing the architecture, and to help
team members understand the motivations behind architectural decisions so those decisions can be robustly implemented.
For example, the architect may place constraints on how data is packaged and communicated between different parts of
the system. This may appear to be a burden, but the justification in the Architecture Notebook can explain that there
is a significant performance bottleneck when communicating with a legacy system. The rest of the system must adapt to
this bottleneck by following a specific data packaging scheme.
This artifact should also inform the Project Manager and other team members how the system is partitioned or organized
so the team can adapt itself to the needs of the system. It also gives whoever must maintain and change the
architecture later their first glimpse of the system and its technical motivations.
This artifact is distinct from the Executable Architecture. This artifact describes how the system should be
constructed, while the Executable Architecture is a build that contains part of the validated architecture.