Role: Visionary
The Visionary holds the business vision for change and is responsible for initiating and driving the project through to delivery of the business objectives.
Role Sets: DSDM Roles
Main Description

The Visionary is a business role. The Visionary is the one who is usually responsible for getting a project started through enthusiasm and commitment to the idea and business goals. The Visionary should remain involved throughout the design and delivery process to ensure the original objectives are being met. If any issues arise during the project, which must be considered by higher management, the Visionary will either provide the decision or provide higher management with the business viewpoint.

The Visionary role ensures the project excellence from the business point of view and the Technical Co-ordinator does the same from the technical point of view.


  • Promoting the translation of the vision into working practice
  • Taking a wider view of the end-to-end business process
  • Contributing to key requirements sessions
  • Contributing to key design sessions
  • Contributing to key review sessions
  • Resolving conflicts across the business areas owned by the Visionary
  • Ensuring user resources are available as needed
  • Monitoring progress in relation to the original vision
  • Commitment and availability throughout the development cycle
  • Excellent communicator
  • Excellent awareness of business goals
  • High-level awareness of technological possibilities.
Assignment Approaches

The Visionary and Executive Sponsor roles may be held by the same person.

Key Considerations

The Visionary has the high-level view of the original reasons for initiating the project: this must not be dissipated during development. Unfortunately, this happens in many projects. It is very easy once development is under way to involve only those staff who will use the computer system on a day-to-day basis but who, perhaps, do not fully understand all the business vision. This can result in a dilution of the original goals and a tendency towards simply re-specifying the system to be replaced. It is imperative that the Visionary is present when important user events occur or when management decisions about the progress of the project are made.

The Visionary must commit business staff to the project as Ambassador User(s). These people should be available to the project on a continuous basis throughout the life of the project - not necessarily full-time but "contracts" for the Ambassador Users time should be agreed with the Project Manager before leaving the Business Study phase, e.g. "Ambassador User X will work in the project team every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning". The Advisor User(s) involvement will be more ad hoc but should be well planned in advance.

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