The Visionary has the high-level view of the original reasons for initiating the project: this must not be dissipated
during development. Unfortunately, this happens in many projects. It is very easy once development is under way to
involve only those staff who will use the computer system on a day-to-day basis but who, perhaps, do not fully
understand all the business vision. This can result in a dilution of the original goals and a tendency towards simply
re-specifying the system to be replaced. It is imperative that the Visionary is present when important user events
occur or when management decisions about the progress of the project are made.
The Visionary must commit business staff to the project as Ambassador User(s). These people should be available to the project on a continuous basis throughout the life of the project -
not necessarily full-time but "contracts" for the Ambassador Users time should be agreed with the Project Manager before leaving the Business Study phase, e.g. "Ambassador User X
will work in the project team every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning". The Advisor User(s) involvement will be more ad hoc but should be well planned in advance.